Well I guess I’ll be mozying over to Rumble now.
20 minutes later
Turns out Jews are aliens directing the Democratic Party and Hollywood to sacrifice babies for adrenochrome. Why is the lamestream media not talking about this???
right wing: “JEWS ARE EVIL”
Also, right wing: “Jews in Israel are fighting a rightious war against evil Gazans”
It all becomes clear once you understand that the Jews returning to Israel is a precondition for the Christian apocalypse. Christofascists don’t give a flying fuck about the Jews; they support Israel as a country (and Zionism in particular) for the entirely ghoulishly selfish reason that they wanna get ‘raptured.’
And you both are oversimplifying by putting the christian zionist nutjobs within the same basket with the vast array of other nutjobs and assume that they are all the same.
All of our politicians are proud zionists, even if few are jews, or extreme evangelicals.
oversimplifying by putting the christian zionist nutjobs within the same basket with the vast array of other nutjobs
It’s a fairly compact venn diagram.
Instead of dismissing you out of hand, I wouldn’t mind hearing what the big picture is that you see.
“I hate you, but I hate these guys even more. Nice job”
Also a ‘I hate you but, you build a nice ethnostate that I want to adapt over where I live.’
Don’t forget, jews have to own the entire holy land before the apocalypse comes and god sends them to hell, according to evangelical Christians.
Well, the Jewish Jews are the LORD’s chosen, underdogs who are bravely soldiering the storm, but the American Jews are communist Satan worshippers who’ve sold their souls for control of the world. They’ve been battling for millenia to control the space lasers.
Also, now that I’ve imagined it, there’s both porn and a Manga of it.
I recommend Amish porn instead. I dont think they are actually Amish but way better than jewish porn.
Imagine being Jewish and on either side people hate you.
Right wing: Jews are behind everything
Left wing: Jews are zionists and zionists are Nazis because Israel.
I don’t think left wing people are hating on Jewish people, except maybe those crazy “Marxist-Leninist” types. Not all Jewish people are pro-Natanyahu, in fact, many are probably against Netanyahu.
I know very well that many Jews are against Netanyahu. All my relatives in Israel regularly protest that war criminal, along with tens of thousands of others.
Doesn’t stop the majority on this site from equating Israel with Jews. I made the mistake of writing “mazel tov” as part of one of my previous comments and received all sorts of colourful inbox messages calling me a “Zionist” and a “colonizer”, despite being a Canadian haha.
Just the hint of something Jewish invites everyone to yell about Gaza 🤪
God I was looking for peertube apps and rumble was advertised in the app store. Boy did I have a surprise when I scrolled through the most subscribed list
Yeah, don’t do that. The most popular content on YouTube isn’t bad in the same way it is on Rumble/Odyssey, but in general, it’s filled with clickbait/rage bait and is generally pretty awful. It’s going to be especially awful on Rumble and Odyssey because it’s a refuge for people who didn’t like YouTube’s policies, so it’s going to largely be conspiracy theorists and far right nonsense.
That said, there’s some good on every platform. On Rumble, I like Glenn Greenwald, who is a right of center independent journalist who lives in Brazil (also gay, but that’s irrelevant). On Odyssey, I like Mental Outlaw (covers hacks, leaks, and privacy related news) and Naomi Brockwell (privacy advocacy). I don’t have an account at either, largely because those platforms are full of trash, I just sub through Grayjay so I don’t see that nonsense.
I wish a credible alternative existed, but for now, I’ll hedge a bit with other platforms.
I remember, pre-wikileaks, when Glen Greenwald was left of center. Or at least that was my perspective at the time.
I think he’s pretty centrist, but he does tend to defend Trump a bit (not a fanboy, but a “see what he does” position) and is against supporting Ukraine, which is why I say he’s right of center. He’s nowhere near the Republican Party though, he’s pretty independent.
Regardless, I don’t really care where he sits on the left/right spectrum, I just appreciate an independent voice that backs statements with facts.
That happens on any platform that advertises itself as totally unmoderated and uncensored.
Like it or not, it’s the moderators and acceptable use policies that keep the nazis and other bad actors at bay.
Alien Jews directing the Democratic Party would undoubtedly be an improvement.
I’d watch the shit outta that with some popcorn. Between the logic jumps and the mandatory hand-waving of actual evidence to the contrary, and sheer numbers of fallacies to make the argument make sense it sounds like a hella entertaining time
There’s some decent content if you look. I like Glenn Greenwald, and I sub to NBTV and Mental Outlaw on Odyssey. There’s a lot of nonsense on all platforms, but if you’re careful, you may find some decent stuff there. I wish more YouTubers would re-upload on other platforms, but I guess that’s asking too much…
i use ublock origin
reddit still good for something: Filter Lists–>uBlock filters–>uncheck the “ublock filters - quickfixes” box and then reload the page.
this worked for me
Yup, I use ublock origin and have never had issues on YT.
They do random testing. I’ve received one of these a couple of times with unlock as well. Google/yt has not fully committed.
I hope they don’t commit. But if they do, I guess that’ll be the end of YT for me…
Yeah you and a lot of people. There’s a couple articles about it but essentially there’s some talk of pushback.
And personally for me there are alternatives that people could use. While not a lot of people are on it, peertube is a viable alternative. I’ve watched a couple of small creators on it and it ha good performance. Just a very small audience.
Makertube is one of my favorites.
deleted by creator
Sometimes I have to use YouTube rawdog for work and it’s unusable, if I want to skip forward in the video to reach the solution to my problem I get an add every time I click the timeline.
If you need it for work, why don’t you have YouTube premium?
I don’t speak for the person you are asking, but for me the reason is that google is evil, and huge. They don’t need my money, and I wouldn’t pay them for any reason.
I expect that if the workplace officially needed to use YouTube, then that workplace would be paying for that subscription. But if its just that sometimes someone wants to include video from YouTube in a presentation or something - then probably not.
The way they worded it, it sounded like dealing with YouTube was their job, like maybe managing a company’s YT account. So yeah, I totally expect a company to pay for YT premium. I’m certainly not suggesting they do it, unless they’re a freelancer or something.
I didn’t screencap it but today on YT I was given a modal that said I was using an adblocker (ublock) and I have three more videos before they require premium. I changed VPN locations and stopped getting the message.
The day FireFox and UBlock Origin stop working with eachother completely. Might be the day I just uninstall all of my browsers and use my PC more personally than before.