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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: November 29th, 2023

  • Guess I should stock up while I can huh?

    I’ve been a RPI fan since the beginning and have used their boards for all sorts of projects and tinkering. But it’s hard not to feel like it’s losing sight of what made it attractive in the first place: low power and low priced computing. It had its charm in buying a Pi Zero and just chucking emulators on it and handing them out to folks who might want to have a go.

    But with the more expensive, more powerful hardware you just can’t really use them for things like that anymore. Just too expensive and too much oomph for the use case.

    We’ll see if the company finds its way. But this usually isn’t a good sign…

  • Pretty much this, yes.

    There’s also the complexity of approach procedures that they need to follow in order to mitigate noise complaints. Back in the old days, they’d just fly from radio beacon to radio beacon, with look-out-the-window navigation for the final approach.

    These days, lots of airports are within or close to cities, which means a much more complex routing and specific altitude and speed restrictions. GPS made that possible; they’re simply too much workload for pilots.

    So yeah, in emergency situations where GPS fails completely, there’s going to be some changes to procedures needed in order to make that work. They’d also need to increase separation between planes in order to prevent problems.

    The simple solution is: nobody should fuck around with GPS since we literally all benefit from it.

  • You either die a hero, or live long enough to become another shitty cable company.

    I ditched Netflix years ago when the content got worse by the week. Good shows were taken off by rights holders so they could put it on other platforms and what remained sucked. Not to mention Netflix’s proclivity for killing its own shows.

    It got to a point where all the new stuff were shitty movies and Scandinavian crime dramas. Hard pass.

    With the way other streaming services are going, it wouldn’t surprise me if people jumped back to piracy. I honestly don’t mind paying something reasonable, but all these subscriptions and price hikes do add up.

  • Exactly. I used to carry an iPod with loads of music on it. So did everyone else. But these days, nobody even uses an MP3 player. Heck, I don’t have a single MP3 on my phone. Streaming through YouTube Music is all I really need. And it works great for my normie taste in music.

    Now, my brother is really into video game midi music and such, so he does have a digital collection of files. But for us normal people, downloading music is simply a thing of the past.

  • Heck, even if you subscribed to every streaming service out there, some companies simply refuse to make shit available to you.

    I once gave Crunchyroll a try here in Europe. I figured there’d at least be something on there that I’d watch, right? Turns out, everything halfway decent wasn’t available in my region. And you COULD get the good stuff on some other service… except that one’s region locked as well, so you can’t get that one here. Oh and even if you think of buying anime on Blu-Ray? Tough luck, that’s not sold in your region due to rights fuckery. Basically, there’s no way for me to legally watch and/or buy particular content.

    Piracy is and always has been an access problem. If you make it impossible to acquire legally, well, people will do it illegally.