Using it for months/years and never had a problem with it, AMD/Radeon here
France Canada
Using it for months/years and never had a problem with it, AMD/Radeon here
I’d try MX 23 AHS version too. And use kernel 6.10 as 6.11 has suspend/resume problem, especially with mediatek wifi card.
I have a mediatek wifi card and need to unload it when suspend.
What wifi card do you have?
chatGPT says it’s a permission error or a mount error. What if you try “sudo nemo” to check the icon?
Oui mais en même temps les autoroutes sont bien entretenues et sont des rubans noirs où tu peux pouvais rouler à 160… Tu as toujours le choix de prendre la nationale aussi.
L’autre solution c’est comme au Québec? Des autoroutes gratuites? défoncées? dépassé 100km/h peut-être dangereux? aucune aire de repos? avec un train qui passe au milieu?
Just use Debian, it has old root, stable, still being developed, it’s the base of various others distro that “enhance” it (sometimes badly).
I’m using MX Linus AHS, based on Debian, BTW.
I also have a netbook with an Atom N2600, I overclocked it from 1.6GHz to 2.0GHz, upgraded from 1GB to 3GB of RAM, and replaced the old HD with an SSD, I then installed MX Linux, 32 bits version, Xfce, and it works pretty well. Only huge webpages are slow, but everything else is about still usable
Me using no systemd, no flatpak, no snap… I think I’ll pass
Of course, I even installed latest MX Linux on my 2007 netbook, with an atom 32 bits, 3GB of RAM, I replaced the old HD with a $20 SSD, works fine, pretty slow in firefox, but works :)
Ils veulent quoi alors? l’anarchie? le communisme? la dictature? Si ils ne sont pas contents ils peuvent immigrer en Russie, en Érythrée ou en Corée du Nord.
I understand it could make sense for 4G/5G telecom as transmit towers can be saturated etc if people download terabytes and terabytes every day. But for at home cable? having a cap makes no sense really…
Canadian? then
With your budget, take the 75U78N at Costco, 2yr warranty + you can extend to 6yr for 150$ I think.
Hisense especially the 78N (and 88N) have absolutely beautiful stunning picture, maybe one of the best for the buck, check the review it handles DolbyVision, HDR, 144Hz, etc
It does not use a shitty OS like roku nor ads like Samsung. You may need to have it plugged on internet for 1st boot and FW update, but after this you can obviously disconnect it, plug your HDMI device and that’s it, it will act as a dumb monitor.
Your btrfs was in a LUKS partition and you can decode it? But know that btrfs uses smart compression by default, so you can recover jpeg or zip easily in general, but for stuff compressed, not sure how to decompress them by hand … Like other commenter wrote, first do a full copy on another HD.
yeah about the same, old coot here, I plug a USB3-SSD (encrypted with LUKS) and rsync from internal HD to this external HD. That’s it.
J’imagine ils ne vont pas non plus au resto les salauds, à cause d’eux des restos vont faire faillite!
J’avais déjà vu des vidéos sur YT des américains “souverains” qui se font arrêter (parfois avec violence) et finissent en prison. C’est en effet triste de voir comment leurs cerveaux sont lavés…
I’m with you on the french canadian keyboard, in a recent W11 laptop I got from work, it’s damn complicated to go in the settings, languages, etc and finally find the option to change keyboard layout! And sometimes if you have more than one kb, the system switch from one to another with some secret combo keys or damn god whatnot. I removed the US keyboard and just keep the FR_CA one.
I don’t know what program really is catching the keys, but from my keyboard, the vol+/- mute speaker and mute mic are working, my behavior enable keyboard shortcut checkbox is rightly checked.
I’m using Xfce, and the program to control volume is “pavucontrol”, no problem with it…
Plugin in my panel seems to be /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/xfce4/panel/plugins/
Quickly came to write “AWK!!!” but yeah… you don’t want its superiority… 😜