Is there even more than 4 apps in the store?
Is there even more than 4 apps in the store?
I just get mine from the massgrave guy
You shouldn’t do this. Why would you do this
That’s why I only use TempleOS
I encountered a similar issue with NFS a very long time ago. I had to set the option for each of my NFS exports to have a fsid and make sure the fsid is different between them. So one folder has the option fsid=1 Second folder has fsid=2 and so on. I hope this helps point you in the right direction.
Another user posted a link to Calibre-Web in this thread and I would def use that instead of this.
Doesn’t this say to “reply to a first offender off-line” or did you not even read it.
Do you have hibernation and fast boot disabled?
Looks sick!
I’m being facetious but the amount of apps between the chromecast and Roku is enormous. I’m sure it has most major apps, but as soon as I plugged it in and it didn’t even have an emby app, it went straight back to the store. Just relies way too much on casting, which I understand like any app can do but I don’t like that.