It’s a human thing, though. This is just more evidence of LLM’s problem with garbage in, garbage out: it’s human biases being present in a system that people want to claim doesn’t have them.
People do mention Veritasium, though he doesn’t give any significant explanation of the phenomenon.
I still wonder about 47. In Veritasium plots, all these numbers provide a peak, but not 47. I recall from my childhood that I indeed used to notice that number everywhere, but idk why.
42, 47, and 50 all make sense to me. What’s the significance of 37, 57, and 73?
There’s a great Veritasium video recently about this exact thing:
It’s a human thing, though. This is just more evidence of LLM’s problem with garbage in, garbage out: it’s human biases being present in a system that people want to claim doesn’t have them.
Veritasium just released a video about people picking 37 when asked to pick a random number.
People do mention Veritasium, though he doesn’t give any significant explanation of the phenomenon.
I still wonder about 47. In Veritasium plots, all these numbers provide a peak, but not 47. I recall from my childhood that I indeed used to notice that number everywhere, but idk why.
47 does provide a peak in the plots though? All the numbers ending in 7 do.
See my link for 47. Its Wikipedia has more context. If you’re a Star Trek fan, you’ve seen it a ton.
And Hitman
The 47 page…woo woo